Find Your Inner Flower Power and Make Floral Arrangements Like a Pro.
You’ll learn the essential foundation in flower design – the radial technique. Once you understand this core method, you can make your original garden-style designs.

Floral arranging is an art form that has been around for centuries. The radial technique involves arranging flowers in a circular pattern, with the center of the circle being the focal point of the design. To create a radial design, start by placing your largest flowers in the center of the arrangement, then add smaller flowers around them. Once you have the basic shape of your design, you can add other elements such as leaves or stems to fill in any empty spaces.
With a bit of practice and what you learn in this class, you’ll be able to create beautiful floral arrangements like a pro!
In this class, you’ll make three arrangements.
- Radial (which sets your foundation)
- Lose and open Victorian Garden-style
- Eco friendly
All materials and flowers are included in the cost. The only thing you need to bring is your own clippers. If you want to use gloves, bring them, too.
Heavy horderves, desert, and non-alcoholic drinks are included.
COMING SOON – Link to sign-up for this class.